(415) 353-2808


Nationally renowned orthopaedic care

The UCSF Women’s Sports Medicine Center is the first and only dedicated sports medicine center for women and girls in the Bay Area and on the West Coast, offering comprehensive orthopedic care tailored specifically to female athletes of all ages and skill levels.

Our mission is to enhance musculoskeletal health in female athletes through a multidisciplinary approach that optimizes performance and minimizes injury risk. Our team consists of highly skilled female physicians who are recognized as national and international leaders in sports medicine. With backgrounds as current or former athletes, our doctors bring a unique perspective and deep understanding of the challenges that female athletes encounter throughout their lives.

In addition to orthopedic and surgical care, our center provides access to specialists in sports nutrition, sports psychology, athletic training, physical therapy, and a dedicated sports performance center. We are committed to delivering holistic, whole-body care that addresses the unique needs of female athletes. No referral is needed to make an appointment. To schedule a visit, please call our main line at (415) 353-2808 and request an appointment at the UCSF Women’s Sports Medicine Center.

Conditions we treat

We provide expert care for musculoskeletal and orthopedic injuries in women and girls of all ages and ability levels. Our specialties include treating ACL tears, shoulder instability, rotator cuff tears, elbow injuries, hip impingement, labral tears, overuse injuries, acute injuries, patellofemoral pain, and dislocations.